Request a Vetting
Please note that buyers are responsible for payment for the vetting (visit fee, vetting, and if applicable blood sample and x-rays) & this balance must be paid for before the time of the vetting.
Please also declare if you know if the seller is a client of this practice.
We require someone over the age of 18 to be present at the vetting – if x-rays are required we require two people over the age of 18 & not pregnant to assist. We will also need a mains source of electricity not a generator.
If facilities/handler/rider are not available on the day of the vetting it may need to be rearranged at the purchaser’s expense.
The horse’s passport must be available at the time of the vetting.
The horse that is being presented should also be stabled for at least four hours prior to the vetting & presented clean.
Please also note that flexion tests and trotting in a circle on a firm surface are not mandatory parts of the standard procedure, but they can sometimes provide useful additional information about a horse. There may however be
circumstances when the examining veterinary surgeon concludes that it is unsafe or inappropriate to perform such tests.